Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I have to say, I'm OK with not attending the dress rehearsal tonight.  However, I'm going to share my anxieties that I had when presenting my capstone project last May.  Personally I wish the Ed Dept. had a dress rehearsal.  There were several of my classmates that didn't quiet understand what was expected of them.  The real bummer was that food services set out a lovely buffet and all of the undergraduate students walking by scoffed it down!  I'm sure all of the graduating MAIT students mind's will be put at ease though after tonight's "dry run".

The semester is almost over! AHHHHH!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How is November 1/2 over?

Where has the time gone?  Really, I can't believe November is half way over and the semester is coming to a close quickly.  We gained an hour last week, but I could use another 24!  Even with the extra time last week being off from class I feel s though I'm just treading water.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Time Management

I haven't watched the archieve for class this week, however I am sad that I missed it.  Hope all went went well.  Sorry I missed the "live" version of the Tool Time.  Having off from school the last two days has had me assessing my time management skills....again.  Wow the semester is going fast.  I can't believe Thanksgiving is in 2.5 weeks!  Thank goodness for Daylight Savings Time!

Lesson Learned

Lesoon Learned....last week I didn't heck my emil before I went to campus.  Oh well, I did learn some interesting things about Blackboard and Wimba that I didn't know they could do.  I'm still in need of help with the MP3 part (I need help with BB nd my phone).  It's amazing what technology can do and how it can help us learn.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why aren't we changing?

I enjoyed going to the ETTC and our presentation from Faisil.  The video clips he played were, in my opinion, spot on.  Our educational institutions are not changing fast enough to keep up with the rest of the world.  How can we, as educators prepare students to go out into the work force without exposing them to technology that is used everyday outside of the walls of our schools?  I did find that Teachertube is not blocked at my school and there are some great educatioal videos available there.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Garage Sale

Not until last class did it occur to me that different demographics would require a different approach for yard sale signage.  It's been a long time since I've taken a marketing class, so long ago that when I did the Internet was just coming on the scene. 


Internet creator! lol

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Power Point and My Jeep

I do realize that Power Point to most of my classmates is an antiquated application. However, I view Power Point like my old Jeep (which has been referred to as "More reliable than gravity")....she's old, doesn't have many bells or whistles...but I understand how she works and have a clue what to do when she doesn't!